CK Banská Bystrica will ride on Merida Reacto DA Limited

Slovenčina (Slovenská republika)English (United Kingdom)

Martin Haring is again a Champion of Slovakia


Slovak cyclocross season culminated in Cyclocross Championship of Slovakia in the middle of December in Bánovce nad Bebravou.

Organizers in Bánovce nad Bebravou prepared for all contestants and spectators a brilliant technical track directly in the town, just under the windows of local spectators. A greatly organized event attracted a great number of spectators, in particular for main men category.

CK Banská Bystrica had its representation also in other categories. First of all, Simon Triznová prevailed over in the category Open among women. Lívia Hanesová was determined to fight in the category Women, but Slovak No. One Tereza Medveďová didn´t leave anything to chance and from the very beginning she got the jump on her pursuers and forged ahead until she got the gold medal prior to Janka Keseg Števková. Lívia Hanesová won a third place and was awarded with bronze medal.

Ladislav Longauer in the category Masters B had immediately after start technical problems and even when he fought, unpopular fourth place remained for him in the finish. National coach Robert Glajz was doing slightly better in the category Masters A. He was literally playing duck and drakes with his opponents, and when he attacked in the second half of race, nobody was able to react on his lead and he won easily. In addition, he won with a great ahead in overall ranking of Slovak cup.

In the main men category we had few irons in the fire. The most sparkly, Martin Haring, had after start moderate technical problems. But Martin erased the little deficit and fight for a title was unleashed in the race along with monumental cheer of spectators. But in the last third of race Martin attacked a his greatest opponent Robert Gavenda started to lose. So after his last year´s first triumph Martin Haring defended his title and we will see him in championship dress also during next race of Belgian Tour.

Michal Lamin and Lukáš Bátora unleashed a big battle in the fight for the third place. Lukáš fought, but started to slightly lose, in particular on obstacle that his opponent jumped and at last he missed the winner´s stand by inches. “I fought, the crowd cheered me really much. I live in Bánovce and I have a strong background here, but Michal was a little bit better. The fall and my fault threw me a little bit, bronze would be good, but the sport is so. Let´s say, Milan Barényi had far bigger problems and he didn´t finish, so I have to be satisfied with the fourth place on the home track. Maybe I can get a medal next year,” so evaluated Lukáš his performance.

The same tough battle for bronze took place among U23 contestants. Šimon Vozár took with overconfidence the gold prior to Ondrej Glajza. Jakub Vančo and biker František Lami fought for the third place. In the end, František Lami was victorious and Jakub won another fourth place for CK Banská Bystrica.

Martin Haring became also an overall victor of Slovak Cup and the best result in the history of the club brought CK Banská Bystrica also a clear victory in the Slovak Cup of teams.

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