CK Banská Bystrica will ride on Merida Reacto DA Limited

Home About us Team members
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The team


Management CK Banská Bystrica

president: Ján Malachovský

secretary general: Zuzana Vojtášová

team manager: Martin Frańo

team women elite:

Lívia Hanesová

National Championship 2013 - road 2nd place

National Championship 2012,2014 - road 3th

National Championship 2014 - cyclocross 2nd

winner Tour de Volcano 2012, 2013, 2014

winner Slovak national cyclocross cup 2014 overall

Tour of the Himalayas 2011 Pakistan – 6th, 2th in team classification

12th place European cyclocross women championship 2013


continental team men elite:


best climber Tour de Cameroun 2015 UCI 2.2,  7th place in GC

World Championship cyclocross 2015 -31th place

European Championship MTB 2014 - 23th place

World Cup CDM overall 2014 - 24th place

winner of Slovakia national cup cyclocross overall  2011,2012, 2013, 2014

winner of king mountain stage Sibiu Tour UCI 2.2, Romania 2012

National Champion cyclocross elite 2012, 2013, 2014

winner Tour of the Himalayas 2011


National Champion team time trial 2013

participant European Road Championship, 2008, 2009

participant World Road Championship 2007

stage winner Tour de Senegal UCI 2.2, 2008

stage winner Tour de Cameroun UCI 2.2, 2010

Tour de Cameroun UCI 2.2, 2015 - 2nd in stage

Grand-Prix Chantal Biya UCI 2.2, Cameroun, 2010 – stage winner, 2009 - 3th in stage, 2008 – 6th overall

National Championship road 2007 – 3th, 2009 – 4th

National Championship 2009 – 4th


National Championship MTB XC 2012 – 5th

Slovak national cyclocross cup 2011/12 – 5th overall

Tour de Cameroun UCI 2.2 2013 - 6th in stage

Tour de Cameroun UCI 2.2 2012 - 4th in climber classification

Tour de Cameroun UCI 2.2, 2014 – 7th in stage

World Cyclocross Championship 2015 - 48th

Slovak national cyclocross cup 2013 - 3th overall



Martin FRAŇO

National Champion team time trial  2013

Tour de Cameroun UCI 2.2, 2011 – 2nd in stage, 2008-2009 – 3th,  5th in stage

Tour de Senegal UCI 2.2, 2008 – 3th, 5th in stage

Tour de Guyane 2010 – 2nd in points classification , 2009 – 5th in stage,

Tour de Maroc UCI 2.2, 2007 – 6th in stage

Tour du Faso UCI 2.2, 2009 – 6th in stage

Tour of the Himalayas 2011 Pakistan – 6th, 2nd in team classification



National Champion road 2007

Tour de Cameroun UCI 2.2, 2008 – winner of 2 stages, 2nd in stage

Tour de Cameroun UCI 2.2 2012 - 4th in stage,  9th overall

Grand-Prix Chantal Biya UCI 2.2, Cameroun, 2008 – 2nd in stages

Tour de Hellas UCI 2.2, Greece – 2nd in stage

Tour de Senegal UCI 2.2, 2008 – 3th place overall, 2nd,3th in stages

Tour de Cameroun UCI 2.2, 2008 – 4th overall

Tour de Guadeloupe UCI 2.2, 2007 – 4th in stage



National Champion time trial juniors 2013

winner of Slovak national road junior cup 2013

National Championship team time trial 2014 - 3th

51th place Paris - Roubaix N Cup 2013




 Miroslav DEBNÁR

Tour de Cameroun UCI 2.2 2015 - 3th in stage

Tour de Cameroun UCI 2.2 2014 - 3th in stage

6th place overall in Slovakia road national cup 2014







National Championship time trial U23 - 9th place

National Championship cyclocross U23 2013 - 4th place









National Champion cyclocross U23 2013

National Champion uphill juniors 2013

2nd place overall Slovakia national cyclocross elite ranking 2014


winner Merida Road Cup serie 2014

Miroslav HRAŠKO








Cycling for all - masters, hobby

Ladislav LONGAUER, masters 65+

many times National Champion road masters

2nd European Cyclocross Masters Championship 2015

2nd World Cyclocross Masters Championship 2014

5th World Road Masters Championship 2012 and 2013

4th and 5th place in Olympic master games Torino 2013






Jaroslav Štefánik, masters 50+

participant of many MTB and road races

Central Europan Marathon Championship - Okolo Vysokých Tatier, 2012 – 8th place










Radoslav ŠTEFÁNIK,

participant of many MTB and road races


Robert GLAJZA, masters 40+

coach of National Slovakia MTB an cyclocross team, many times Slovak national elite champion, Slovak cyclocross legend, Slovak cyclocross masters champion


Ľuboš ADAMOV, masters 40+

participant of many MTB and road races


Jozef ŠVERCEL, masters 30+

participant of many MTB and road races


Vladimír Melo, masters 50+

participant of many MTB and road races


Ivan HAAS, masters 40+

participant of many MTB and road races


Ján MALACHOVSKÝ, masters 30+

participant of many MTB and road races, president of the team

organisor of Tour de Volcano


Patrik ČANECKÝ, masters 30+

manager of Tour de Volcano


Ján KOPČEK, masters 40+

participant of many MTB and road races


Maroš LACKO, cycling for all

participant of many MTB races











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